
The 56th World
Science Fiction

Baltimore, Maryland

Wednesday, 5 August – Sunday, 9 August 1998

Bucky the Crab

Bucky the Crab

Guests of Honor

C.J. Cherryh
Milton A. Rothman
Stanley Schmidt
Michael Whelan

Charles Sheffield, Toastmaster
J. Michael Straczynski, Special Guest

20 September 2006

Student Science Fiction and Fantasy Contest

L.A.con IV
Student Science Fiction
and Fantasy Contest

L.A.con IV, the 2006 World Science Fiction Convention (Worldcon), in conjunction with Baltimore Worldcon 1998, Inc., a section 501(c)(3) charitable organization, sponsored the ninth annual Student Science Fiction & Fantasy Contest for the best short story with a science fiction or fantasy theme, the best science fiction or fantasy artwork, and the best science essay.

This annual contest was open to all students in elementary school (5th grade and below), middle school (6th through 8th grade) and high school (9th through 12th grade).  Each student could enter/win in any or all the story, art or essay categories, but could only enter once in each of the categories.

The deadline to submit entries for the 2006 Student Science Fiction and Fantasy Contest was 31 March 2006.

The annual preliminary evaluation of the Student Contest story entries (and art entries, if there's time) took place on Saturday and Sunday, 8 – 9 April 2006.

L.A.con IV Student Science Fiction and Fantasy Contest Web Page

2006 Student SF & F Contest Winners

The 2006 Student SF & F Contest Winners, Finalists and Semifinalists

The 2006 Student Science Fiction and Fantasy Contest winners, finalists, and semifinalists were honored during L.A.con IV with a special ceremony and reception.

Contest inquiries may be sent to contest@bucconeer.worldcon.org or

Student Science Fiction Contest
Post Office Box 314
Annapolis Junction, MD 20701

Upcoming Bucconeer Events

Future Baltimore Worldcon 1998, Inc. Corporate Meetings  Updated 20-Sept-2006

Student Science Fiction and Fantasy Contest mailing and quarterly corporate meeting


Saturday, 23 September 2006


Saturday: 2:00 a.m.

Silver Spring, Maryland

Please write to contest@bucconeer.worldcon.org for details if you are interested in joining us for this final contest mailing.

Past Corporate Meeting Minutes

(in Adobe Acrobat PDF format)  

Baltimore Worldcon 1998, Inc. News

• Baltimore Worldcon 1998, Inc. has extended corporate support to Nippon 2007, the 65th World Science Fiction Convention in Yokohama, Japan on 30 August – 3 September 2007.

Bucconeer News

Masquerade Tapes Updated 20-Sept-2006

Yes!  We still have VHS video tapes (sorry, no DVDs) of the Bucconeer Masquerade for sale.  Send a check or money order in the amount of $30 US payable to "Baltimore Worldcon 1998, Inc." to:

Baltimore Worldcon 1998, Inc.
P.O. Box 314
Annapolis Junction, MD 20701

Please specify the postal address where you want the tape mailed.

Pieces of Six

Click for a 75% sized image of the Pieces of Six cover

Full-color wraparound cover and
full-page black & white interior
illustrations by Michael Whelan

A 75% sized image of the cover

A special 225-page trade paperback anthology of works by the Bucconeer Guests of Honor and Toastmaster produced by Eyeball Books

"The Parallels of Penzance" by Michael A. Burstein and Stanley Schmidt *
"The Turning of Auberon Mansfield" by Charles Sheffield *
"Fusion" by Milton A. Rothman
"Pinocchio" by Stanley Schmidt
"Pots" by CJ Cherryh

* previously unpublished

Please send a check or money order for $15 US ($10 per trade paperback and $5 for shipping) payable to "Baltimore Worldcon 1998, Inc." and your postal address to:

Baltimore Worldcon 1998, Inc.
PO Box 314
Annapolis Junction, MD 20701

Bucconeer Memory Book Project

The printed book portion of the Parting Shot Memory Book project has been terminated.  At the last Baltimore Worldcon 1998, Inc. quarterly meeting, the attendees voted to discontinue plans for a printed edition of the Parting Shot memory book and to transfer the allotted funds to the Student Science Fiction and Fantasy Contest.

Bucconeer was the 1998 World Science Fiction Convention (Worldcon).   It was held at the Baltimore Convention Center in Baltimore, Maryland USA on August 5th – 9th, 1998.

The 2006 Worldcon, L.A.con IV, was held Wednesday, 23 August through Sunday, 27 August 2006 in Anaheim, California USA (Please note the nontraditional Wednesday through Sunday dates.)

The 2007 Worldcon, Nippon 2007, will be held on 30 August – 3 September 2007 in Yokohama, Japan

The 2008 Worldcon, Denvention 3, will be held on 6 – 10 August 2008 in Denver, Colorado

Since 1975, whenever a Worldcon has been outside North America, an alternative North American Science Fiction Convention (NASFiC) has been held in the United States.  The 8th NASFiC, CascadiaCon, was held on 1 – 5 September 2005 in Seattle, Washington over the Labor Day weekend

A List of Past Worldcons

The site of each year's convention is determined by the World Science Fiction Society (WSFS).  A list of groups organizing future Worldcon site bids for 2007 and beyond may be found on the Worldcon bid page managed by Chaz Boston Baden.

The annual Hugo Award (Science Fiction Achievement Award) is sponsored by WSFS and administered by the committee of the Worldcon held that year.


Please contact Michael Nelson with any questions or comments.

Updated 20 September 2006

Baltimore Worldcon 1998, Inc. is a charitable organization that has been recognized by the
United States Internal Revenue Service as exempt from federal income tax as an organization
described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.  Our charitable purpose is to
promote the science fiction and fantasy genre in all its forms.

"World Science Fiction Society," "WSFS," "World Science Fiction Convention," "Worldcon,"
"NASFiC," and "Hugo Award" are service marks of the World Science Fiction Society,
an unincorporated literary society.  "Bucconeer" is a service mark of Baltimore Worldcon 1998, Inc.

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